Maandag - vrijdag: 08:00 - 17:00

Sociaal ondernemen
Klusbedrijf Wittenberg gelooft in een betere wereld en ondersteunt diverse goede doelen, door een percentage van de omzet af te dragen. Voor meer informatie hierover kunt u contact met ons opnemen.

Wij steunen Stella, wij steunen 22STARS!

Klusbedrijf Wittenberg draagt bij middels een percentage van de omzet. Dit geld gaat naar ouders en kinderen toe, en zorgt ervoor dat zij kunnen worden opgeleid of een onderneming kunnen starten. Het geld is ook beschikbaar voor goederen zoals schoolspullen, meubilair, maar ook maaltijden kunnen van de giften voldaan worden. Wij weten dat het geld bij Stella in betrouwbare handen komt, en dat het aan de belangrijkste doelen zal worden besteed.

Wilt u ook bijdragen?

U kunt terecht in de shop en met uw aankoop een bijdrage leveren aan bijvoorbeeld een maaltijd, tandarts of kleding. Ga dan naar de shop van 22Stars, Ook kunt u rechtstreeks een kind sponsoren, vanaf €0,50 per dag.

Sponsor a child - The 22STARS FOUNDATION

The 22STARS foundation is based in the Netherlands, but carries out all their projects in Uganda. We use education and entrepreneurship to empower children and their families to rise above poverty. We create long-term sponsorships for 285+ children in Uganda, and also run several community development initiatives including a nutrition program, basic needs program, small business training and micro loans program and our holistic educational program with extra-curricular activities.


This is probably not the first time that you have heard about 22STARS, while the 22STARS FOUNDATION was only established in 2017, the social business 22STARS JEWELLERY was founded in 2013 and it’s story began back in 2009, when Founder Stella Romana Airoldi went to Uganda to do research for her thesis in international humanitarian law. In particular, the story of Susan Laker -who was about Stella’s age and had to seek refuge in military barracks when she was only 13 years old where she got pregnant from her first son – touched her heart. Stella’s creativity and wish to help the war affected people have been a direct incentive to establish the social jewellery company 22STARS a few years later in 2013.

With the social business we have been able to empower families in Uganda for years, using funding primarily from selling handmade jewellery that was made by our 22STARS artisans. This product-based model empowered our families in the slums of Kampala and Jinja and helped us carrying out our social programs on the ground. Artisans like Susan Laker, where able to go back to school and offer their children an education. We are still active with the 22STARS JEWELLERY shop and keep changing lives, however we wanted to reach more people and so we started with the 22STARS FOUNDATION next to the social business.

Why? We saw first hand the difference that an education makes and wanted to expand our programs to enable more children to go to school and also educate their families. The sale of jewellery is highly dependent on the market, our production costs and marketing costs are high and by times we would sell a lot and other times nothing. We needed a model that would provide us with a more stable and consistent income stream. Now we are able to carry out our programs on a much larger scale.

Our project managers Susan Laker (Kampala) and Aidah & David Wafula (Jinja) are thrilled with the new developement programs and reported back the positive difference it’s already making. We plan on increasing this impact! Please share the story of 22STARS, become a monthly donor for our social programs, sponsor a child long-term, and visit us in Uganda!

Thank you for your support!

Stella Romana Airoldi
Founder of 22STARS jewellery & 22STARS foundation

If you like to directly support the children, please go to our foundation website: